Ophidia IO Server Installation

This page presents the procedure to install, setup and start the Ophidia IO Server from sources and binary packages.


After the installation, to enable the support for the IO server inside the Ophidia platform, you need to enable some configuration options in the framework and add the instance to the OphidiaDB.

Installation from sources

Installation from source can be used on most Linux distros (i.e. CentOS6, CentOS7 and Ubuntu 14). Before proceeding with the following steps, check that you have all the pre-requisites installed. In particular MySQL devel libraries are required.

As ophidia user create a folder to download and build Ophidia source code.

mkdir /usr/local/ophidia/src

Download Ophidia IO Server release from https://github.com/OphidiaBigData/ophidia-io-server/releases. Alternatively you can get the latest development version from the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/OphidiaBigData/ophidia-io-server

Install the required dependencies:

  • bison and related devel libraries
  • flex and related devel libraries

For example on CentOS

sudo yum install bison\* flex\*

on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install bison flex libfl-dev libfl-dev libbison-dev

Build and install Ophidia IO Server

On CentOS or Ubuntu

cd /usr/local/ophidia/src/ophidia-io-server
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-io-server
make install

Then, if not already available, create the following folders

mkdir -p /usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-io-server/data1/var
mkdir -p /usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-io-server/data1/log

Installation from RPM

To install the Ophidia IO Server package on CentOS7 download the ophidia-io-server rpm from https://download.ophidia.cmcc.it/rpm/1.2/ and run

sudo yum install ophidia-io-server-1.2*.x86_64.rpm

Change owner of the installation folders

sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /usr/local/ophidia

Installation from DEB

To install the Ophidia IO Server package on Ubuntu 14 download the ophidia-io-server deb from https://download.ophidia.cmcc.it/deb/1.2/ and run

sudo dpkg -i ophidia-io-server_1.2.*_amd64.deb

Change owner of the installation folders

sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /usr/local/ophidia

Finalize the setup

If you need to change the default configuration file oph_ioserver.conf, see the Ophidia IO Server configuration page for more details.

Start the Ophidia IO Server as Ophidia user:

su - ophidia
/usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-io-server/bin/oph_io_server -i 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

To avoid typing the whole executable path, you may add it to the PATH environmental variable with:

export PATH="/usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-io-server/bin:$PATH"