OphidiaDB Installation

This page presents the procedure to setup the OphidiaDB. The same procedure can be applied when starting from sources or binary packages.


Make sure the Ophidia Analytics Framework source code or binary package is available on the system where the OphidiaDB is going to be setup.

OphidiaDB Setup

Before proceeding with the following steps, check that you have all the pre-requisites installed. In particular MySQL server should be installed and running.

Create the ophidiadb and the oph_dimensions databases in the MySQL environment:

mysql> create database ophidiadb;
mysql> create database oph_dimensions;

Load the ophidiadb schema and default parameters:

mysql -u root -p ophidiadb < /usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-analytics-framework/etc/ophidiadb.sql

OphidiaDB Configuration

In order to properly configure the ophidiadb installation, launch the following query:

mysql > use ophidiadb;
mysql > INSERT INTO host (hostname, cores, memory) VALUES ('',1,1);

changing the cores and the memory value accordingly with your host resources;

mysql > INSERT INTO dbmsinstance (idhost, login, password, port) VALUES (1, 'root', '<password>', 3306);

changing the password

mysql > INSERT INTO hostpartition (partitionname) VALUES ('test');
mysql > INSERT INTO hashost (idhostpartition, idhost) VALUES (1,1);


In case of Ophidia native IO server support, add also an Ophidia IO Server instance:

mysql > INSERT INTO dbmsinstance (idhost, login, password, port, ioservertype) VALUES (1, 'root', '<password>', 65000, 'ophidiaio_memory');


In case of GSI support, add the Distinguished Name (DN) associated with the host where Ophidia Server is running in table “user”. For instance, append a new row as follows

mysql > INSERT INTO user ('username') VALUES ('/C=XX/O=XX/OU=Host/L=XX/CN=YY');

where YY has to be the hostname.