

Metadata Access.


It computes and displays the size of the input datacube.


  • cube: name of the input datacube. The name must be in PID format.
  • schedule: scheduling algorithm. The only possible value is 0, for a static linear block distribution of resources.
  • byte_unit: measure unit used to show datacube size. The unit can be KB, MB (default), GB, TB or PB.

System parameters

  • exec_mode: operator execution mode. Possible values are async (default) for asynchronous mode, sync for synchronous mode with json-compliant output.
  • ncores: number of parallel processes to be used (min. 1).
  • sessionid: session identifier used server-side to manage sessions and jobs. Usually, users don’t need to use/modify it, except when it is necessary to create a new session or switch to another one.
  • objkey_filter: filter on the output of the operator written to file (default=all => no filter, none => no output, cubesize => shows cube size).


Compute the size of the datacube “URL/1/1”:

[OPH_TERM] >>  oph_cubesize cube=URL/1/1;


Argument name Type Mandatory Values Default Min/Max-value
cube “string” “yes”      
schedule “int” “no” “0” “0” “0” / “0”
exec_mode “string” “no” “async|sync” “async”  
byte_unit “string” “no” “KB|MB|GB|TB|PB” “MB”  
sessionid “string” “no”   “null”  
ncores “int” “no”   “1” “1” /
objkey_filter “string” “no” “all|none|cubesize” “all”  
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