Data Analytics Terminal : cube provenance

In this video we show how to create a graph representing all operations occurred in a workflow related to a specific datacube, exploiting the capabilities of the Data Analytics Terminal output renderer.

Data Analytics Terminal : virtual filesystem navigation

In this video we show how to navigate and populate the PDAS virtual filesystem with folders and containers. All operations are performed using some of the pre-defined aliases available in the Data Analytics Terminal environment.

Data Analytics Terminal : automatic updates

This video shows how the Data Analytics Terminal can automatically update all operators definitions at start-up as well as resume the last session (together with the last directory and datacube) the user was connected to. As concerns operators definitions, it is also shown how to force an update through the command “update”.

Data Analytics Terminal : using aliases

In this video we show how to create a new alias and how to successfully use it in a command launched through the Data Analytics Terminal.

Data Analytics Terminal : simple data manipulation

This video shows a simple workflow composed of a series of operations on multidimensional data. In this example we use random generated data with latitude, longitude and time dimensions and we compute the maximum value of the specified measure on all time steps.