Ophidia Analytics Framework Installation

This page presents the procedure to install, setup and test the Ophidia Analytics Framework from sources and binary packages.

Installation from sources

Installation from source can be used on most Linux distros (i.e. CentOS6, CentOS7 and Ubuntu 14). Before proceeding with the following steps, check that you have all the pre-requisites installed. In particular MySQL server, MySQL devel libraries and NetCDF devel libraries (with parallel support) are required.

As root run:

mkdir /var/www/html/ophidia
chown ophidia:ophidia /var/www/html/ophidia

As ophidia user create a folder to download and build Ophidia source code.

mkdir /usr/local/ophidia/src

Download Ophidia Analytics Framework release from https://github.com/OphidiaBigData/ophidia-analytics-framework/releases. Alternatively you can get the latest development version from the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/OphidiaBigData/ophidia-analytics-framework

Install the required dependencies:

  • jansson and related devel libraries
  • libXML2 devel libraries
  • openssl devel libraries
  • mpi devel libraries
  • gsl and related devel libraries

For example on CentOS

sudo yum install jansson\* libxml2\* openssl-devel mpich\* gsl gsl-devel

on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libssl-dev mpich libmpich2-dev gsl-bin libgsl0ldbl libgsl0-dev

Build and install Ophidia Analytics Framework

On CentOS6 or Ubuntu 14

cd /usr/local/ophidia/src/ophidia-analytics-framework
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-analytics-framework --enable-parallel-netcdf --with-netcdf-path=/usr/local/ophidia/extra/ --with-web-server-path=/var/www/html/ophidia --with-web-server-url=
make install

While on CentOS7

cd /usr/local/ophidia/src/ophidia-analytics-framework
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-analytics-framework --enable-parallel-netcdf --with-netcdf-path=/usr/lib64/mpich --with-web-server-path=/var/www/html/ophidia --with-web-server-url=
make install

Then, if not already available, create the following folder

mkdir -p /usr/local/ophidia/oph-cluster/oph-analytics-framework/log


In case of Ophidia native IO server support, append the following configuration parameter to arguments of command configure:



If you want to enable support to import FITS data format install the following packages:

on CentOS

sudo yum install cfitsio

on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libcfitsio3-dev

and add the following configuration parameter to command configure:



In case of GSI support, install the prerequisites and append the following configuration parameters to arguments of command configure:

--with-interface-type=gsi --with-globus-include=/usr/include/globus --with-globus-libs=/usr/lib64 --enable-voms --with-voms-include=/usr/include/voms --with-voms-libs=/usr/lib64

Additionally, for GSI support, set the parameter SOAP_USERNAME in


by substituting the default value (framework) with the Distinguished Name (DN) of the host, for example


where YY is the hostname.

Installation from RPM

To install the Ophidia Analytics Framework package on CentOS7 download the ophidia-analytics-framework rpm from https://download.ophidia.cmcc.it/rpm/1.3/ and run

sudo yum install ophidia-analytics-framework-1.3*.x86_64.rpm

Change owner of the installation folders

sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /usr/local/ophidia
sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /var/www/html/ophidia

Installation from DEB

To install the Ophidia Analytics Framework package on Ubuntu 14 download the ophidia-analytics-framework deb from https://download.ophidia.cmcc.it/deb/1.3/ and run

sudo dpkg -i ophidia-analytics-framework_1.3.*_amd64.deb

Change owner of the installation folders

sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /usr/local/ophidia
sudo chown -R ophidia:ophidia /var/www/html/ophidia

Finalize the setup

Modify the oph_configuration file, specifically you may want to change the username and password value accordingly to your mysql configuration. See the Ophidia Analytics Framework configuration page for more details.
