Ophidia OpenId Connect Interface

This page presents the procedure to activate the Ophidia OpenId Connect interface in Ophidia Server.

Basically this interface implements an authentication / authorization scheme compliant to OpenId Connect architecture.

Ophidia Server acts as an OpenId Connect client, so that it is able to verify end-user identity, as well as to obtain basic profile (e.g. organization name, email address of the user, etc.), by sending a REST request to the identity provider (whose hostname is represented by openid.hostname in this description). The user is assumed to be registered at this server or at another trusted identity provider.

Before accessing Ophidia, the user has to forge a temporary access token, signed by the authorization server, to authorize Ophidia Server to access its profile information. Then, the user attaches the token to JSON Requests to be submitted on behalf of the credentials and sends them to Ophidia Server.

Token format is compliant to RFC 7519 JSON Web Token and includes header, payload and signature separated by dots. An example of (decoded) payload is:

  "sub": "12345678-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdef0",
  "iss": "https://localhost/",
  "exp": 1510942956,
  "iat": 1510939356,
  "jti": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"


  • sub is the subject identifier, i.e. the user identifier
  • iss is the reference to authorization server forging the token
  • exp is the epoch related to token deadline (expiration time)
  • iat is the epoch related to token creation (creation time)
  • jti is the token identifier

The server uses the token:

  • to authenticate the user and
  • to retrieve the profile information involved in the authorization procedure (as described below).

User authentication relies on the token validity. A token is considered valid if

  • the signature is correct
  • creation time is in the past
  • expiration time is in the future
  • the token has not been revoked.

The authorization procedure is quite flexible and involves a two-step process:

  • local authZ based on white and black lists of single users (UWL and UBL) and
  • global authZ based on a white list of admitted organisations (OWL), allowing all the members of an organisation to get access to multiple Ophidia servers.

it can be summarized as follows:

  1. check of token validity
  • if the token is not valid then reject the request and stops
  1. retrieve the user profile from the authorization server
  2. extract the profile parameter “subject identifier”
  3. local authZ:
  • if “subject identifier” is in UBL then reject the request and stops
  • if “subject identifier” is in UWL then accept the request and stops
  1. extract the profile parameter “organization name”
  2. global authZ:
  • if “organization_name” is in OWL then accept the request and stops
  1. reject the request

The steps 1 and 2 correspond to the authentication procedure. For the first step, Ophidia server exploits the library cjose to check token signature. The second step concerns sending a request to OpenId Connect userinfo endpoint of the authorization server to retrieve user profile. To this, Ophidia server submits a command like the following one:

curl -s -L -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" https://openid.hostname/userinfo

where ${ACCESS_TOKEN} indicates the token.

To avoid to send too requests to the authorization server, thus preventing it from possible denial-of-service attacks, any valid token and related user profile information are cached on the server for a configurable time period (e.g. 10 minutes) by means of parameter OPENID_TOKEN_CHECK_TIME of configuration file (see below). At the expiration of this period, the server automatically checks if the token has not been revoked (simply by retrieving the user profile again) and, if still valid, defers its cancellation.

To enable Ophidia server to perform the authorization procedure (steps 3-6), user profile needs to report the fields “sub” (subject identifier) and “organization_name”. Hence, the user has to grant Ophidia to

  • log in using user identity (implies the access to the field sub), corresponding to scope openid, and
  • access basic profile information (including the field organization_name), corresponding to scope profile.

The scope offline is not necessary, but if the user grants this permission Ophidia can automatically update the access token before its expiration by means a refresh token released by the authorization server. To exploit this feature, the user has to forge the access token by means of Ophidia web interface, by logging in with OpenId (see the next figure).

Login form to access session web resources by means of OpenId Connect

When a user logs in Ophidia using the mode “Login with OpenId”, he is redirected to openid.hostname to enable Ophidia to access user profile. If the user approves this request, Ophidia is able to forge a new access token as shown in th next figure. The same web page could be used to request a new token.

Example of token

The user will use the token to access Ophidia with the terminal or PyOphidia without setting any additional credentials. For instance, For instance, consider a bash command that submit a generic Ophidia operator oph_operator with arguments “key1=value1” and “key2=value2”.

oph_term -H ${SERVER_HOST} -P ${SERVER_PORT} -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD} -e "oph_operator key1=value1;key2=value2;"

The same command can be submitted by means of OpenId Connect in following way

oph_term -H ${SERVER_HOST} -P ${SERVER_PORT} -t ${ACCESS_TOKEN} -e "oph_operator key1=value1;key2=value2;"

where ${ACCESS_TOKEN} is obtained as described above.

Note that, in case the user has enabled the scope offline access, the token is transparently replaced by the terminal with a new token before the expiration, thus avoiding the user to repeat the procedure. Actually, the new token is forged by Ophidia server after the period equal to OPENID_TOKEN_TIMEOUT seconds (see below and configuration file) and, then, sent to the terminal within the next JSON Responses (piggybacking).


Ophidia assumes that an identity provider is already configured and acts as authorization server. In this description the hostname of this server is openid.hostname.

Download and install cjose. Version 0.4.1 has been tested.

mkdir -p /usr/local/ophidia/src
cd /usr/local/ophidia/src
wget https://github.com/cisco/cjose/archive/0.4.1.tar.gz
tar -xzf cjose-0.4.1.tar.gz
cd cjose-0.4.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ophidia/extra
make install


OpenId Connect interface can be activated by setting the path to cjose installation folder as parameter of the tool configure (see installation from sources):



OpenId Connect interface can be activated by appending the following parameters to the configuration file named $prefix/etc/server.conf.


The parameters represent respectively:

  • reference of the authorization server (end point)
  • identifier of Ophidia Server from authorization server point-of-view (client id)
  • password used by Ophidia Server to contact the authorization server (client secret)
  • timeout to refresh a valid access token by means of the related refresh token (used only for access tokens generated by Ophidia Server and in case offline access is granted)
  • timeout to check for the validity of an access token that has been cached (for possible token revokation)

Client id and client secret can be obtained by registering Ophidia Server as client at the authorization server.