A talk on climate change data analytics & Ophidia titled “Distributed and cloud-based experiments for multi-model data analytics in the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) eco-system” will be presented at the ENES Community Meeting Reading 2016 (October 25-27, 2016) (https://www.ncas.ac.uk/index.php/en/2-uncategorised/2593-enes-community-meeting-reading-2016).
The talk will describe the main challenges for the climate community towards large-scale data analytics scenarios. A distributed testbed across Europe and US for running multi-model analytics experiments in the ESGF/CMIP5 context will be presented as part of the activities carried out in the EU H2020 INDIGO-DataCloud project.
A video regarding a real experiment performed across three sites (LLNL, ORNL and CMCC) orchestrated by a Kepler workflow management system running in PSNC, is available in the Ophidia YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqr3JRc_B10