Starting from the Ophidia VMI deployment (see Quick Start section), this section provides a simple Ophidia user session using the Ophidia terminal.
to list the data cubes and containers in your session. Let’s consider PID_1 the identifier of your source data cube (for example
oph_reduce2 dim=time;operation=avg;ncores=4;cube=<PID_1>
to reduce the whole data cube in a single value for grid point using the average along the time.
to visualize the first 100 values.
By default the Ophidia terminal will use the last output data cube PID.
So, apply:
to show the number of measured values
to show the size of your data cube
to show information about the data cube, the dimensions related, the imported variable and types
oph_subset cube=<PID_1>;subset_dims=lat|lon;subset_filter=27:81|-31:39;subset_type=coord;ncores=4;
to extract all the values related to Europe only from your source datacube
to show the data cube provenance
oph_exportnc2 output_path=<folder_path>;output_name=<filename>;ncores=4;
to export the data cube as NetCDF file; you can use “ncdump -h <folder_path>/<filename>.nc” to show the header
oph_apply cube=<PID_1>;query=oph_sum_scalar('OPH_<variable_type>','OPH_<variable_type>',measure,-273.15);ncores=4;
to convert from Kelvin to Celsius degrees.
OPH_<variable_type> represents the type of your data cube variable (e.g. OPH_FLOAT or OPH_DOUBLE). It is listed in the result of the oph_cubeschema operator
oph_explorecube subset_dims=time;subset_filter=1:5;
to show the results for the first 100 grid points and the first 5 time steps
oph_apply cube=<PID_1>;query=oph_gsl_boxplot('OPH_<variable_type>','OPH_<variable_type>',measure);ncores=4;
to extract the boxplot from the source data cube
to show the boxplot values for the first 100 grid points.