Data Process.
It imports a FITS file into a datacube (both data and axis). Support is provided only for images FITS files.
- container: name of the input container; by default it will be automatically set to file name.
- cwd: absolute path corresponding to the current working directory, used to select the folder where the container is located.
- host_partition: name of I/O host partition used to store data; by default the first available host partition will be used.
- ioserver: type of I/O server used to store data. Possible values are: “mysql_table” (default) or “ophidiaio_memory”.
- import_metadata: with “yes” (default), it will import also metadata; with “no”, it will import only data.
- schedule: scheduling algorithm. The only possible value is 0, for a static linear block distribution of resources.
- nhost: number of output hosts. With default value (‘0’), all host available in the host partition are used.
- nfrag: number of fragments per database. With default value (‘0’), the number of fragments will be the ratio of the product of sizes of the n-1 most outer explicit dimensions to the product of the other arguments.
- measure: name of the measure related to the FITS file. If not provided “image” will be used (default).
- run: if set to ‘no’, the operator simulates the import and computes the fragmentation parameters that would be used else, if set to ‘yes’, the actual import operation is executed.
- src_path: path of the FITS file. Local files have to be stored in folder BASE_SRC_PATH or its sub-folders (see oph_configuration for additional information).
- cdd: absolute path corresponding to the current directory on data repository. It is appended to BASE_SRC_PATH to build the effective path to files (see configuration notes for further details).
- hdu: import data from the selected HDU. If not specified, Primary HDU "1" (default) will be considered.
- exp_dim: names of explicit dimensions (axis). Multiple-value field: list of dimensions separated by “|” can be provided. It implicitly defines explicit dimension number and level (order). Allowed values are NAXIS1, NAXIS2, ..., NAXISn. If default value “auto” is specified, then the first n-1 dimension of the measure in the FITS file will be used as explicit dimensions.
- imp_dim: names of implicit dimensions (axis). Multiple-value field: list of dimensions separated by “|” can be provided. It implicitly defines implicit dimension number and level (order). Allowed values are NAXIS1, NAXIS2, ..., NAXISn. If default value “auto” is specified, then the last dimension of the measure in the FITS file will be used as implicit dimension.
- subset_dims: dimension names used for the subsetting. Multiple-value field: list of dimensions separated by “|” can be provided and must be the same number of “subset_filter”.
- subset_filter: enumeration of comma-separated elementary filters (1 series of filters for each dimension). Values should be numbers. Example: subset_dims=NAXIS1|NAXIS2;subset_filter=35:45|15:20. Possible forms are:
- start_value: single value specifying the start index of the subset
- start_value:stop_value: select elements from start_index to stop_index.
- compressed: with “yes”, it will save compressed data; with “no” (default), it will save original data.
- description: additional description to be associated with the output cube.
System parameters
- exec_mode: operator execution mode. Possible values are async (default) for asynchronous mode, sync for synchronous mode with json-compliant output.
- ncores: number of parallel processes to be used (min. 1).
- sessionid: session identifier used server-side to manage sessions and jobs. Usually, users don’t need to use/modify it, except when it is necessary to create a new session or switch to another one.
- objkey_filter: filter on the output of the operator written to file (default=all => no filter, none => no output, importnc => show operator’s output PID as text).
Import a FITS file excluding metadata into the session directory “session-code1”:
[OPH_TERM] >> oph_importfits cwd=/session-code1;container=container1;measure=pressure;src_path=/path/of/;import_metadata=no;